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3 steps to eliminating overwhelm

Your head and your heart seem to be in a constant battle.
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At the end of the day you’re exhausted from trying to make the decision about which to follow. You feel worn down by following the shoulds and expectations from others, and yourself, and spend your days ruled by your head and running from one obligation to the next.

You feel depleted and defeated and long for this deep connection to your heart and to live a simpler, more authentically-you life. But you don’t know where to start making changes, or how to connect to this other aspect, and it feels risky to shift the ways you’ve made decisions about your life.

Knowing when to follow your head or heart helps make decisions easier and far less energetically draining. You’re better able to be authentic and confident.  

Imagine you get to show up cool and calm, now that you’ve left the rushing and scrambling behind. This new you spends more time loving life, living fully -- you have the energy to do the things you want to do! 

You’re more content and joyful because you’re living from a heart-led place. You’ve found a better balance that brings in peace more often. You now have a sense of freedom because you’ve developed a deep self-awareness, an inner knowing, that is now your guiding light. 

As a result of this package, you will…

  • Connect to your heart to understand its desires and bring heart-based decision-making back into your life

  • Identify when to use your head and when to use your heart to make decisions

  • Have the energy to follow through on your decisions, no matter where the decision comes from


Your 3 steps out of overwhelm

Step 1. Get clear on what deeply matters

Step 2. Align with your heart and soul

Step 3. Deepen your alignment

Let’s get started

You want to feel energized by your life. To leave behind feeling depleted so that you feel free and more at peace. Let’s do this!

It’s simple to start: 

  1. Book your 90-minute session. When you do, you’ll invest $222 CAD in yourself, including tax (the cost of the entire program!). 

  2. Check your inbox for the pre-work information (it's in your confirmation email). Set aside 30 quiet minutes to work on it. 

  3. Click on your Zoom meeting link at your scheduled time for your 1:1 coaching + energy tune-up session ($254 value).  

  4. Once this session is complete, you’ll get a link to book your 30-minute follow-up session ($98 value)


I'm ready to invest in me

Testimonials from clients

"My head felt really 'messy' and unfocused and I didn't know what to focus on. Everything was just too much and yet I felt like I was not doing anything useful or productive even though I tried to plow through "stuff" daily. I was struggling with the meaning of life, the purpose of my job and my person (i.e. myself, outside of work and in - "who am I?").

Now, I feel sooo clear-headed and focused. I feel like I am more tuned in to who I actually am and what I need to do or focus on in order to fulfill my emotional and psychological needs. I have a plan in mind, and I understand the steps I need to take to get me somewhere." 

"I was having difficulty feeling like the person I thought I was. Covid and having a baby had made it challenging to remember who I was and what I truly valued.

The first 90-minute conversation with Mel opened my eyes to really taking a look at what my values were i.e.. the things that made me  - me, and what I thought were values but not necessarily my core ones. After the energy tune-up, I felt energized and lighter and spent the next week or so really pausing throughout my days to think about what matters most to me. 

Mel provided a very comfortable environment to talk freely about my feelings. There was no judgement, only kindness and a loving energy from Mel. It felt like talking to a trusted friend. Mel helped clear through the muddle of my thoughts and provide insights and guidance to direct me with tools I can use now and in the future. I highly recommend Mel!"

"Through our sessions, she has supported me in healing deep layers in my life (and past lives) with her incredible intuitive gifts. I feel so much lighter and in alignment with my soul and spirit. I am so grateful for how she has supported me."

Image by Aditya Saxena

Imagine feeling more content and joyful because you’re living from a heart-led place. You’ve come to a better balance that brings in peace more often. You have a sense of freedom because you’ve developed a deep self-awareness, an inner knowing, that is now your guiding light. 

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